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About this blog

Its great to see India doing so well these days, isnt it? However, while we are getting there, we are not there yet. Often times there are things that could be better. Like every day life in India for the average citizen. Education. Public health. Recreation. There are so many things the government could do. For our citizens, for the nature, for the world. Many a times, I wish if only things could be this way or that. And I feel passionately about it. And I'm sure there are many other Indians who feel the same way too.

Ofcourse, there are reasons behind everything that we dont agree with or that is not right - there is not enough money. Or, there is corruption. Or, there is no motivation. But many things could be achieved if the right people were driving them. If the problems were attacked in a particular way. I find myself having discussions with other Indian friends that run long into late nights. So I know I am not alone. Many Indians (whether they reside in India or not) still carry India in their hearts every day.

Hence Hrishi and I decided to create this blog. It is meant to be a channel to put these issues that India faces and some of our views in public. We created a team blog to include as many people like us in the process as possible. If you are someone who feels connected to India in any way and has opinions about how things should be, you should contribute. After all only be working together and having an open discussion we can get somewhere. Think about this blog and issues faced by India as if you were the prime minister or someone in power. How would you do things differently.

We would like to have as many people on the team and if you want to join this blog, just send an email to kumar_chheda 'AT' hotmail 'DOT' com (ofcourse replace 'AT' with @ and 'DOT' with . and remove the spaces) with a brief introduction about yourself and I'll gladly add you on to the team blog as a contributor. Go India!

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